Python: Path Management

Path management is an essential aspect of programming in Python. It enables developers to locate and access files and directories on the system, which is crucial for working with data and files in any programming language.

Python provides several modules for managing paths, including the os.path module and the pathlib module.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use the pathlib module for path management in Python.

Introduction to Pathlib

The pathlib module is a relatively new addition to Python (introduced in Python 3.4), and it provides an object-oriented approach to path management. It offers a straightforward and intuitive way to work with file paths and directories, and it’s designed to be platform-independent.

To get started with pathlib, we need to import the module:

from pathlib import Path

Creating Path Objects

To work with files and directories using pathlib, we need to create a Path object. We can do this by passing a string representing the path to the Path constructor. For example, to create a Path object for the current working directory, we can do the following:

current_dir = Path('.')

This creates a Path object for the current working directory.

Path Operations

Path objects offer several methods for working with paths, including:

Joining Paths

To join two paths together, we can use the / operator. For example, to join a directory name and a file name, we can do the following:

dir_path = Path('/path/to/directory')
file_path = dir_path / 'file.txt'

This creates a Path object for the file /path/to/directory/file.txt.

Resolving Paths

We can also resolve paths using the resolve() method. This method returns the absolute path for the given path.

path = Path('file.txt')
abs_path = path.resolve()

This creates a Path object for the absolute path of file.txt.

Checking Existence

To check if a path exists, we can use the exists() method.

path = Path('file.txt')
if path.exists():
    print('File exists')
    print('File does not exist')

Reading Files

To read the contents of a file, we can use any of the following as per requirements

path = Path('file.txt')
content = path.read_text()

Return the decoded contents of the pointed-to file as a string:

path = Path('file.bin')
content = path.read_bytes()

Return the binary contents of the pointed-to file as a bytes object:

Writing Files

To write to a file, we can use any of the following as per requirements

path = Path('file.txt')
path.write_text('Hello, World!')

Open the file pointed to in text mode, write data to it, and close the file.

path = Path('my_binary_file')
path.write_bytes(b'Binary file contents')

Open the file pointed to in text mode, write data to it, and close the file.

Creating Directories

We can also use pathlib to create directories using the mkdir() method. This method creates a new directory at the specified path.

new_dir = Path('new_dir')
new_dir.mkdir(mode=0o777, parents=False, exist_ok=False)

This creates a new directory named new_dir in the current working directory.

Renaming and Deleting Files

We can also use pathlib to rename and delete files. To rename a file, we can use the rename() method. This method takes a new path as an argument and renames the file to that path.

old_path = Path('old_name.txt')
new_path = Path('new_name.txt')

This renames the file old_name.txt to new_name.txt.

To delete a file, we can use the unlink() method.

path = Path('file.txt')

This deletes the file file.txt.

Traversing Directories

One of the most common use cases for path management is traversing directories. With pathlib, we can easily navigate directories using the glob() method. This method returns an iterator that yields all the files and directories matching a specific pattern.

For example, let’s say we have a directory structure like this:


We can use the following code to iterate over all the .txt files in my_dir and its subdirectories:

my_dir = Path('my_dir')
for path in my_dir.glob('**/*.txt'):

This will print the following output:


iterdir() Method

The iterdir() method is another powerful feature of pathlib that allows us to iterate over all the items in a directory. It returns a generator that yields Path objects for each item in the directory, including directories themselves.

dir_path = Path('/path/to/directory')
for item in dir_path.iterdir():

This code will print out the paths for all items in the directory /path/to/directory.

If you only want to iterate over files in a directory (excluding directories themselves), you can use a conditional statement to check if each item is a file.

dir_path = Path('/path/to/directory')
for item in dir_path.iterdir():
    if item.is_file():

This code will print out the paths for all files in the directory /path/to/directory.

Using glob() and iterdir() Together

glob() and iterdir() are both powerful tools for working with paths in Python. They can be used together to provide a more powerful way to traverse directories.

For example, let’s say we want to find all .txt files in a directory and its subdirectories. We can use glob() to find all .txt files in the current directory and all its subdirectories, and then use iterdir() to iterate over each file and perform some operation on it.

The glob() function takes a single argument that represents the pattern we want to match. The pattern can contain wildcards, such as * and ? , to match one or more characters.

from pathlib import Path

dir_path = Path('/path/to/directory')
for file_path in dir_path.glob('*.txt'):

This code will find all .txt files in the directory /path/to/directory and print their paths.

We can also use ** to match files and directories recursively in subdirectories.

from pathlib import Path

dir_path = Path('/path/to/directory')
for file_path in dir_path.glob('**/*.txt'):

This code will find all .txt files in the directory /path/to/directory and all its subdirectories, and print their paths.

We can also use [] to match characters or ranges of characters.

from pathlib import Path

dir_path = Path('/path/to/directory')
for file_path in dir_path.glob('[A-Za-z]*'):

This code will find all files and directories in the directory /path/to/directory that start with a letter, and print their paths.

We can also use | (pipe) to match multiple patterns.

from pathlib import Path

dir_path = Path('/path/to/directory')
for file_path in dir_path.glob('*.txt|*.csv'):

parent Property

The parent property of a Path object returns the parent directory of the file or directory represented by the Path object. We can use this property to navigate up the directory tree.

path = Path('/path/to/some/file.txt')
print(path.parent) # Output: /path/to/some

This code will print the parent directory of file.txt.

name Property

The name property of a Path object returns the last component of the file or directory path, without the directory. In other words, it returns the name of the file or directory.

path = Path('/path/to/some/file.txt')
print( # Output: file.txt

This code will print the name of the file file.txt.

stem Property

The stem property of a Path object returns the final component of the file or directory path, without the extension. In other words, it returns the name of the file or directory, but without the file extension.

path = Path('/path/to/some/file.txt')
print(path.stem) # Output: file

suffix Property

The suffix property of a Path object returns the extension of the file.

path = Path('/path/to/some/file.txt')
print(path.suffix) # Output: txt

Working with File Metadata

pathlib also provides a way to access file metadata such as file size and modification time. We can use the stat() method to get an object representing the file’s metadata. This object has various properties that provide information about the file, such as its size and modification time.

path = Path('file.txt')
stat_info = path.stat()
print(f'Size: {stat_info.st_size} bytes')
print(f'Modification time: {stat_info.st_mtime}')

This prints the size and modification time of the file file.txt.

Working with Paths Across Platforms

pathlib also provides a platform-independent way of working with paths. This means that we can write code that works on both Windows and Unix-based systems without having to worry about differences in file path conventions.

For example, let’s say we want to join two paths: C:\path\to\file on Windows and /path/to/file on Unix. We can use pathlib to do this in a platform-independent way:

windows_path = Path('C:/path/to/file')
unix_path = Path('/path/to/file')
joined_path = windows_path / unix_path

This prints the following output:


Pathlib and os.path

While pathlib is a powerful and elegant way of working with file paths in Python, it’s worth noting that the os.path module still has its uses. os.path provides many of the same features as pathlib, but it’s a more low-level and procedural way of working with file paths.

For example, if we want to get the current working directory using os.path, we can do the following:

import os
cwd = os.getcwd()

This returns the current working directory as a string.

While os.path may be more familiar to developers who are used to working with file paths in other programming languages, pathlib offers a more elegant and Pythonic way of working with paths

Read more about it here: pathlib — Object-oriented filesystem paths — Python 3.12.0 documentation